Monday, October 20, 2014

Confession #5: We push each others limits!

Although sometimes we do push each other to our limits in  a “omg you are driving me crazy” kind of way, most of the time it has more to do with stretching ourselves to achieve more.  I always say that the hubby really helped me awaken the leader within me. We both challenge each other on a regular basis and we make sure we are both growing constantly. Yes, we get on each others nerves a lot because we both have strong characters and we both want to be right all the time, but we use these discussions in a positive way. Last week I hosted and emceed an event for the Hispanic association that I co-chair, and the hubby was super supportive helping with stuff and being my motivation—being married to a speaker does have its perks!


The hubby also had an event recently where he trained executives at a National conference—more of that to come on a post from the hubby! Although I was not there with him since it was at New Orleans, I still provided virtual moral support :)

Just as we push each other to achieve more professionally, we also push each other to achieve more physically. Let me tell you about one of our very interesting exercise sessions we had recently. So we were doing interval training in our basement and the hubby gets all military on me and starts yelling things like, “lower, lower! Give me 20 more, come on you can do it!” So I try to keep up but my least favorite exercise of all times is the plank, I just hate it! But the hubby seemed to like it and I couldn’t understand why. And he could stay in the plank position for a very long time. In one of the intervals that we were doing the planks, I decided to stop and look at the way the hubby was doing it.  I don’t know how to explain what I saw, so just look at the picture below. 

No wonder it was so easy for him, he had been cheating! And he was making me feel like such as slacker. 

The important thing is that we push each other to be better, and if we have to, we carry each other to the finish line. Because that is what we do as a couple and team, we push our limits to be better.

Tip of the day: Challenge yourself, stretch your abilities and push your limits, you might surprise yourself with what you are capable of doing.

@the wifey

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Confession #4: We wait until the last minute to do everything! Yikes!

So I have been posting every Monday for the last 3 what happened this week? Just re-read the title of this blog :)

It's been a crazy week at work, and I also volunteer in a Hispanic organization AND my in laws are in town! Sooo let me start by saying that last week we were also super busy and on Thursday night--the night before the in laws arrived-we were running around like crazy stalkers on a U-Haul truck looking for a sofa bed and a recliner for the in laws. We stalked several people on craigslist---I’m pretty sure one of ladies we called thought we were psychos because she stopped answering our calls after call #10.

Psychos in a U-Haul Truck!! Get out of the way!

So after miraculously finding a sofa bed and recliner, we ran back home to finish cleaning the house and preparing everything for their arrival. It was 9pm on the night of the arrival and we were still running around like chickens without heads. It was crazy! But we work great as team and under pressure! The hubby's family is visiting us for the first time since we moved to DC, so he had to be extra special.

The Family!! At the White House! Went through 5 security check points for a 5 min tour!

We have been doing very well with our diet and exercise! Last Sunday we woke up at 6:50 AM before the family woke up—I know!—and went for a run in45 degree weather. I am so proud! Never in a million years I thought I would be one of those people! It felt do great! We have been eating very well too. Like instead of eating regular burgers we go for turkey with no mayo, no fries and with water instead of coke. It's possible!

Morning run! Bella was clearly not happy about the early run in 45 degree weather, just look at the nasty look she's shooting the hubby!

 We have truly enjoyed the family time and we have certainly kept them busy! There is nothing like family and we are blessed to have them here. Bella has also enjoyed the family time, they got her this adorable costume!

Bumble bella! Adorable!
As we learn to cope with this new healthy lifestyle, we have learned to appreciate the small things in life like spending quality time bonding and working on projects together. We have learned new ways to enjoy life and it's been a great journey so far! I no longer have dreams about donuts or demand cake in my dreams :)

Tip of the day: Enjoy family! And if you can do things today, don't wait till tomorrow--we are still trying to apply this principle! Gotta go, family movie time!

@ the wifey