Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Confession #6: 5Ks and cookies and steaks, Oh my!

So I haven’t posted anything in a week or so and I feel like there is a lot to tell!! First of all, am I the only one that gets depressed by the fact that the sun goes down at 5pm now? Darn daylight savings time! It’s like I get home from work and its dark so I just want to go to bed. I find that around this time of the year a need a little extra motivation to do certain things like working out and doing productive things after I get home from work. So here are a couple of things we have been doing to keep motivated.
This past weekend we completed our first “5K”. I say “5K” because while we were so excited about being able to run the whole thing, we were told at the end that it was really only 2.5 miles. So no wonder we felt like first class athletes. It was still super fun and it was super cold that day, so I feel a little extra proud of us!!

My hair was a total mess afterwards, but it was sooo worth it!
Another way I stay motivated is by reading empowering books that make me want to be better and more productive. I’ve read a couple of powerful books, mainly directed at women like “Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg, “#Girlboss” by Sophia Amorouso, “Bossy Pants” by Tina Fey and “Is everyone hanging out without me” by Mindy Kaling. These books have had a very positive impact in both my professional and personal life. I highly recommend them! The hubby recently surprised me by getting me a “just because” gift: Arianna Huffington’s book, Thrive. We are always looking for ways to help each other grow, and buying these power-packed books for each other is a great way to do so!  Can’t wait to start reading!

#Womenlead #powerfulwomen
And talking about reading, I have been trying to find ways to study for my two MBA classes, and honestly, there is no easy way to do this. Being back in school with a full time job is definitely NOT as fun as being a full time college student. For starters, as a full time student, an all-nighter for me meant never going to sleep. Now, an all-nighter for me means studying until 11pm, maybe 12pm…how sad! I did find a nice spot in my office with a nice view of the sunset, so now I pretend to study while enjoying the nice view.

pretending to study
And finally, staying motivated to eat healthy is still a big task—but we are doing it! On one hand, we have completely banned certain foods from our lives like fast foods, and on the other hand we have reduced the intake of certain foods like rice and bread. So far so good! The hubby is done with his 3 month program and he did great! He lost a total of 33 pounds, and adopted healthier eating habits. We will continue to work out and eat healthy long term—at least that’s the plan! Salads have become my specialty; I try to make them as delicious as possible. And I found a recipe for whole wheat oatmeal cookies that is out of this world! I altered the recipe and instead of adding oats I added raisin/pumpkin granola and brown sugar instead of granulated white. Needless to say, they were delicious and almost guilt-free.


The key is not being too prohibitive with food. Like for example, our good friend Rodney celebrated his birthday at a steakhouse yesterday and that was the perfect excuse to splurge a little. Because if you go to a steakhouse and order a garden salad, not only is that a waste of time, it is a slap in the face for the restaurant and the people at the table—seriously. So, being the good friends that we are, we honored our friend by eating delicious juicy steaks—you will see me at spinning class tomorrow burning it all off! Also, I learned that a medium well fillet mignon looks very different from a medium fillet mignon. I learned this after arguing with the waiter and complaining about how much smaller and flat my fillet mignon looked— yep the dieter/healthier me was complaining that her steak was small, such is life! It was delicious and I enjoyed every single bite.

So what keeps you motivated during the winter time??


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